Monday 15 July 2013

York Yarnbombing Event @ Rowntree Park Birthday Party - Saturday 13 July 2013

The sun was shining, the yarnbombing was fantastic, there were lots of people really enjoying it all - what could be better? So here's a quick journey round the exhibits.  It is by no means everything but I hope it gives you a flavour of the day.

Before you even got to the Yarnbombing area there were some treats on offer ...

Bunting at Rowntree Park Reading Cafe & what a view!
Lovely bunting
Didn't Rowntree Park Reading Cafe look great decked out in bunting.  Thanks to the Knitting Group that meets at the Cafe for that.  You can join them on a Wednesday from 2-4pm.

And wasn't that horse brilliant - all decked out by the UnFinished Objects Group that meets at the Golden Ball pub in Bishophill.  The UFO Group meets every second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm and is open to everyone.  Further details from Sarah on 0789 909 2299.

UFO Group Yarnbombed Horse
He even came with his own picnic!
This chap was so popular that there were queues to get photos with him! And look at that wonderful tail! 

Then we enter through the Dovecot
Dovecot from the Cafe side
Pot Plants & Hedgehogs
Curtain, plant, mice & caged bird

Peeping out

Dovecot yarnbombed curtain
What an enormous curtain!  Thanks to Helen for all the work putting that together.  It will dismantle into 4 blankets! And did you spot Suzanne's fantastic tasselled, finger knitted tieback which was made at one of our workshops!

Next we move on to one of the pillars decorated with a beautiful felt flower garland by Sew Chatty. They meet at the Love to Eat Cafe in Dringhouses on Thursdays from 10am to 11.30am.  Contact Fiona on 01904 700599 if you fancy joining them.  They look like a friendly bunch.

Sew Chatty Felt Flower Garland

Felt Flower Detail

Sew Chatty at Love to Eat
Then there's the Craft Group that meet at Acomb Library on a Saturday from 10am to noon.  They put on quite a show.  We loved those flower poles as well as the benches (& pillars).  The Group came in force for the day, crafted and had a picnic - obviously a very sociable lot!

Colourful kite
Beautiful benches
Acomb Craft Group Crafting in the Park

There was also the picnic rug installation (the picnic rug was a small example of extreme knitting - extreme needles were available on the day to have a go!)  This display was a composite effort as the Fairfax Court Yarnbombers made the umbrella and crocheted cushions and Castaway Yarns customers knitted the items in and decorating the basket.  Other items were donated by members of the public.

Picnic Rug Installation

Lots of people had a go at extreme knitting (even Andy who made the needles!)
Even with baby!

Workshops were available to all ...

Everyone hard at play!
Lots of pompoms today!
Chaps can join in too!

But lets get back to the display.  Because we mustn't forget Mercury...

Mercury in pants
And yes, his bum does look big in these!
Cath, who made Mercury's pants, couldn't believe how big his bum was.  Excellent work Cath - getting those pants on was quite a feat!

Then there are the birds....

Deborah's Duck
How fab was Deborah's duck - did you see the zip wing!  I hope you didn't miss it nestling behind the pillar.

Bird house picture
Bird in flight
Owl by Sonia & Fiona
Fiona & Sonia's adorable owl garlands (detail)
Beautiful bird houses

Bunting ....
Colourful bunting
Butterfly bunting
Green bunting
More green bunting
Black & cream bunting
Judith's bunting
Helen's Bunting
Red Bunting
Jude's bunting from Saudi Arabia

1st Acomb Boys' Brigade Bunting

Other creatures ....
Deborah's dog was of great interest to other dogs as well as people!
Sarah's Humpty had several great falls!
Sarah's terrifying pterodactyl!
Bunny garland
Hedgehog family
Flowers ....

Vase of Flowers
Naomi's Flower Tree
Hattie's pompom flower
Tree Flowers
Benches ....
Blankets festoon the benches
Blankets, an owl and flower garland
Lace, rabbit garland & blankets

 And then there was more ....

Stevie's Lace Tree
Lace Detail

So I hope this has given you a flavour of the day - there was more and the display changed during the day as the hedgehogs wandered about, the mice scuttled around and things were added.  Sorry I can't put everyone's name to things but we loved it all.

A big thank you goes to the shops who donated all the materials, all the groups and members of the public who joined in, came to the workshops and made this happen.  And a big thank you to Deborah, Cath, Helen, Danielle, Naomi, Jenny and the park staff without which it may never have come together at all!  (On a completely personal note - I'd like to thank my friend, Jude, for her bunting which she brought all the way from Saudi Arabia to add to the display and thanks to Poppy for driving her over the Pennines on Saturday to put it up!) 

Next job - sorting it all out for Oxfam!  I'll be starting that tomorrow.


  1. Hi Sally

    Congratulations on such a successful event, a just reward for all your hard work.. and the sun shone!

    Just wish I could have been there,

    Fiona x

    1. Thanks Fiona - and thanks for all your support! Sally x

  2. An excellent day, can't wait for the next one! Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
    Fran, Acomb Group.

    1. We couldn't have done it without you. It was great that so many groups and individuals all got involved!

  3. Hi Sally & Deborah, the UFO group members had a lot of fun getting involved with this - and we finished something!! Many thanks for all your work organising it and the park looked a treat. All the best, Sarah

    1. Thank you Sarah & all the UFO Group - your horse was truly fantastic and so many people have said how wonderful it was - very inspirational! So glad you joined in.

  4. Wow, wow, wow, wow, what a lovely display. Love the hedgehogs and Deborah's dog. Looks like you all had a fantastic time.

    Well done everyone who contributed, and the organisers, of course.

    S xx

    1. Thank you - it was such a great day. Everyone loved the hedgehogs - they've already found new homes and the dog was great wasn't he. Got lots of attention from real dogs too!
