Sunday 22 September 2024

Igshaan Adams - Weerhoud at The Hepworth, Wakefield

Igshaan Adams - Weerhoud

Igshaan Adams' exhibition, Weerhoud, is currently on at The Hepworth, Wakefield. Adams is from South Africa and Weerhoud means "Witheld" in Africaans. We are told that Weerhoud "examines the impact of lived experiences and traumas on the human psyche, with a particular emphasis on the healing potential of movement". This work is full of light and texture, and the cloud-like structures are ethereal. 

Igshaan Adams - Bent

Igshaan Adams - Bent (detail)

Adams was born in 1982 in a suburb of Cape Town and his work is influenced by his experience as a mixed race, queer man who grew up under apartheid in South Africa.

Igshaan Adams - Empty

I first came across Igshaan Adams at Unravel - The Power & Politics of Textiles in Art at Barbican, London where he had wall based pieces and also some of his suspended cloud installations.  Here, at Wakefield, he's exhibiting his largest cloud installation to date and two new tapestries, made especially for this exhibition, together with other existing work.

Igshaan Adams - Jaime-Lee, Byron, Dustin, Faroll, Lynette

The above tapestry was produced in collaboration with the dancers the piece is named after.  The dancers are from the Garage Dance Ensemble in South Africa's Northern Cape province.  They performed on a large canvas that was on top of a painted plastic sheet.  As the dancers moved, paint marks were left on the canvas and Adams used these patterns, shapes, colours and forms as inspiration for the tapestry.  Some parts remain unwoven.  The work is adorned with beads, chains, shells, stones, ribbons and ropes...

Igshaan Adams - Jaime-Lee, Byron, Dustin, Faroll, Lynette - detail

Igshaan Adams - Oorskot (Remains/excess)
Igshaan Adams - Oorskot (Remains/excess)- detail

Adams' dust clouds are created from wire, beads and found objects.  He describes them as "entangled messes" and wants it to be possible for the viewer to be totally immersed in the cloud installation, to study the detail but also to see the entirety...

Igshaan Adams - Dust cloud detail

We are told that in Adams work "dust symbolises the remnants of past experiences and the traces they leave on our identities," and that "dust serves as a reminder of presence, a human trace that encapsulates the memory of a particular time and place."

Igshaan Adams - Dust cloud detail

Adams' use of materials, techniques, positive and negative space is intriquing. He is aided in the production of his work by a team assistants. If you're interested in textile art, this is definitely a must see!

Igshaan Adams - Weerhoud

Weerhoud is on until 3 November 2024. 

The Hepworth has a nice cafe and small shop.  There is a carpark nearby, as is Wakefield Kirkgate railway station. Wakefield Westgate railway station is about 25 minutes walk away.


  1. Your reviews are always so insightful and informative, Sally - I continue to be grateful for them, as the majority of exhibitions are indoors, and therefore not accessible to me xx

    1. Thank you, Heather. I hope you are doing well. We miss seeing you at YES.
