Monday 21 March 2016

Wonderful Workshop with Di Tinker Foster at Hope & Elvis

Di Tinker Foster's soldered story boxes
Thoroughly enjoyed a recent workshop at Hope & Elvis with Di Tinker Foster.  Di is the queen of soldering and was sharing her skills so we could all make tiny story boxes.  Her own work is fantastic - I especially liked her travelling art kit and her remembrance poppies.

Remembrance poppy story boxes - Di Tinker Foster
Badges, tickets and the soldering queue
Di had made us all some fab name badges which came with some tickets for the soldering queue.

Boxes & treasure

First we had to select our boxes and some treasure to fill them with.  Then it was a case of arranging the contents, adding the glass and foiling it.  We were then ready to solder ...

Foiled and ready to solder
Soldering station
It was quite a learning curve and fine fun. Here are my finished treasures with added sparkle ...

My treasures

I think I may have become a tinkerette! 

As for Hope & Elvis - it's a fab and magical place with all sorts of intriguing bits and bobs and artwork.  I love it there.  And Louise Presley who runs it is very welcoming and organises the most fantastic selection of workshops for those who like all things textile, mixed media and arty.  

A selection of Hope & Elvis treasures
We were doubly lucky with a welcome at the beginning of the day from another Louise (of Sew Green Fox children's sewing workshops) to make our day complete.

Do take a look at what Hope & Elvis has to offer - you won't be disappointed.


  1. This is intriguing! I love boxes and I love putting things in them. And these are very very good.
